Thursday 30 August 2012

Few small poems on Friendship.

I wrote these poems when I was very young ... when friendship was the only relation that I used to care about... more than my mom... more than my dad....or any one else in my family,  my friends were my top priority....when I used to fight with my mom-dad that my friends are correct and not them. When I used to search for lines to write in there birthday cards... and just wrote a few set of lines myself sometimes. Sharing all those young teenage poems, very simple ones that was scribbled out of my love for my friends.

This one is dated 2001 22nd Sep ,which happens to be one of my very good friends Birthday.

My life was still, without trills and frills,
You came in my life, with a sharpened knife
To cut all my grieves, to get me relieved
You added colors to it, to make it exquisite
You lent your hand, when I was not able to stand
You treated me with such care, which I would never like to share
You mean so much to me, as you will always be
There in my heart, whether  you are near or far apart

This one is dated 8th April 2002

Your friendship for me, was a key of gold,
That suddenly opened the doors, to joys untold.
Those happy moments, those moments of fun,
The days spend together, under the shining sun.
I will cherish them, all through my life,
Whether I am twenty, fifty or seventy five.
How can I ever forget you, I will never be able to,
Because a part of my heart, is gone away with you.

This one is dated 14th December 2002, again a very nearby date for a very good friends birthday.

The days when you will feel a little low,
Or perhaps have no where to go,
I will sure have a joke to crack
To put your lovely smile back.
Whenever you will feel forlorn
And don't know what to do or don't
I will take away your distress
To make you feel lively and fresh
To speak of your good and bad days
You can put your trust in me always
You can always have me on to depend
I will be your forever FRIEND.


  1. No doubt poems are fresh, expressing and self explanatory but it could be better if you wouldhave given all your poems a NAME........
    Other than that......
    keep it up.
    All the very best.
